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Natural breeding mix for birds

Are you planning to breed your birds ? Has your bird laid eggs? Well there are some natural supplements you can give them. One such is the sprouted seeds. A breeding bird needs sprouts because it has to supply food to its babies also.. Let’s see how we can make the sprouts work..

Step :1

Soak the required legumes. You can take a mix of chickpeas black and white, peas, green gram and whatever you have.. Wash them well and soak in water in ratio about 1:5.


After 8 hours drain the water and wash the mixture thrice with plain water.. Tie this in a clean cloth and hang it or keep it aside and leave it overnight.

Step :3

Check the legumes if they have sprouted.. If yes you can wash and use if not sprouted just wash it again thrice and put it in a clean cloth and check after 8 hours. Repeat the procedure till you see sprouts.

Step :4

For bigger birds you can keep the sprouts directly and if for small birds grind it one pulse in mixie and then keep it. The birds will enjoy the food. Try it.

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